Here are a few pictures to give you a little glimpse of where I'm living. I haven't been too active with my camera since I've been in Niger, so will have to add pictures of people and activities another time...
My house. Small, simple but comfortable.
My house is located on compound called "Centre Bibliques". There are a number of houses, offices, a church and a Bible school. I attend the church on Sunday mornings, which is in French!
The road from Centre Biblique to Sahel Academy. It's about a 5 min walk, though it takes a bit longer on hot afternoons:)
The school gate... welcome to Sahel Academy!
The school campus is looking very green at the moment, as there has been plenty of rain. Lots of care is taken to keep the grounds looking nice. The white building in the centre picture is the secondary block, so all my classes happen in there.